The Warmth Hidden In Day Break At Hutton House

A soft soothing voice was heard from the radio as I entered the Hutton House building on Ann street, near downtown London. I was overwhelmed by the way they welcomed me, which made me feel as if I was some long-awaited guest visiting their home. Day Break began in 1999. It is an individualized program for adults with complex needs. The focus of this program is to help the participants get involved in the community as well as in all sorts of chores at home.
Day Break offers a casual homelike environment with:
• Two large accessible bathrooms
• Open leisure areas
• Lifts and lift tracks throughout
• A computer lab
• Snoezelen room
• Spa room
• Games and crafts area
• Large, open kitchen
• Community garden
Glimpse of Canada's 150th anniversary celebration
“It is much like a respite for the participants,” said Carmen and Nevzeta who were busy making the petals of paper tulips as part of Canada’s 150th celebration. With 19 participants registered, who are then divided into small groups of 5 or 6, these people are given special care here and made to feel at home. This is a place where they can be themselves. The homelike environment is what makes this program as well as Hutton House unique.
            Though the program runs from 9 to 3 everyday, time is flexible. Participants are welcomed at any time between 9 and 3. “We do not pressure them to be here on time. It is all about how and when their parents want them to be here,” Carmen said. Carmen has been a staff member at Day Break for more than 15 years. For her, Day Break is a second home. Interaction with participants is what is interesting about the program for all the staff.

            For me, the massage room is the main attraction of the whole building. Walls painted in white, with a comfortable bed and couch, one already feels stress free just walking into the room. As participants who come to Day Break are persons with complex needs, there are challenges for the employees. “You just have to spend some time in understanding and knowing the individual”, this is what Nevzeta, the senior staff member here has been doing to overcome challenges for the past 16 years.
Participants are never confined to the inside of the building. They are taken shopping in the nearby malls, where they get a chance to get involved in the community. Sunny days are spent at parks, enjoying the sun and refreshing the minds. It seemed like friends spending some valuable time together. Back inside, there is more proof of how well the participants enjoy their time here. Some of their bright artwork is proudly displayed on the red painted walls.
They laugh, talk and learn from each other. Life is to be enjoyed and love is to be shared. It is the lesson which our participants teach us.



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