There was a row of excitement when LIFEworks coordinators announced the plan to go out on a walk to SIFTON BOG. Bright was the day, windy the environment, laughs and anticipation for a new life experience rolled over the curious faces of the LIFEworks participants. With the spirit of an athlete or a mountaineer, everyone hopped into their running shoes and put on backpacks. Sifton bog is a reserved forest area with a wooden bridge in the middle of marshes, about a 5 minutes’ drive from Hutton House main building on Wonderland Rd at Oxford St .

 Everyone was happy to reach the destination. “Are there alligators in this marsh?” a trembling question came from Tanusha, a LIFEworks participant. There were sudden murmurs and sighs on that puzzling question. LIFEworks coordinator Rachel who has been a part of the team for a long time broke the news, “No alligators or crocodiles”.  She grinned with joy for erasing the doubt from some of her favorite people on earth. The sun smiled on the participants’ faces so brightly that their spirits were lifted.
The group admitted that they have never been to such a place before and it was going to be a new experience. It really was. Everyone started to walk in a line on the bridge with a feeling of “into the woods”. On either side of the bridge, there is marsh with trees half sunk into it and geese, the noise of which were aped by most of the participants. The whole team was happy amid the cool breeze and sunshine, where they felt the real essence of nature. On reaching the destination, a closed dais set on the surface of the river, “WOW…OH BOY…OH MY GRACIOUSfloated in the air.
“I have never been to such a place before”, a voice came from the corner of the dais, Samuel who was enjoying the green lush on the other side of the river. They were excited to see everything; ripples in the water, birds inside their nests, and the fluttering leaves. Most of them had their own small cameras with which they clicked at all the things that excited them. They posed and they clicked at themselves, knitting up some moments altogether. They captured the moments and added them to their album to cherish for days to come.

Fun was doubled when everyone spotted a little green frog near the bridge. For a few minutes, they stood near it and examined it thoroughly. Some of them got into the shoes of a wildlife photographer and slowly without disturbing it, captured that little green thing on the water and gently set it free.

As the participants gathered in the LIFEworks room at the HUTTON HOUSE MAIN BUILDING, they were no longer the same as when they left the place earlier for the park. They had seen another part of London, had experienced a trip through nature, a trip alive with creatures.
Hutton House is much more than what you have just read now. If you know someone who would like to join one of our programs, we are ready to get them on board. Life skills are taught to everyone who comes in. "Hutton House, it is a people's place."


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